Kitchen Meeting — NaPoWriMo Day 17 a salutatorian

I would rather not meet you like this,
Soapsuds still tickling the backs of my hands
As I reach back into the cabinet to tuck away
The clean cups, plates and glasses of the day

Keep to your corner, over where the tea set sits;
Not here an inch from my face,
flashing gold palp against black leggy bands
You are beautiful, Black Lady; I appreciate your webby canyon,
though you do have a tendency to startle, Doña Araña.

* * *

I read the prompt early this morning with my tea and news around 5:30, and after the valediction prompt, I got a chuckle out of this twist. The prompt percolated all day, but I hadn’t really come up with anything. I was actually “fretting” over it while I put away the clean dishes when I had this serendipitous moment with my kitchen spider. I love her (and suffer her to . . . er . . . hang around) because she catches flies and mosquitos better than I do. With a little work I can probably fix the rhyme and the wordy lines, but I’m happy with the vignette nevertheless.

On the downhill slide to the weekend, folks! Enjoy the end of your week! ~LD

1 thought on “Kitchen Meeting — NaPoWriMo Day 17 a salutatorian

  1. Pingback: NaPoWriMo: Day 17, ‘Six-Stalk Garden’ | O2B heavenly minded

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